Therapiebehandlungen Preise

„Schließlich ist immer noch das Wasser am besten.” Hippocrates

Underwater Water-Jet massage

The underwater jet massage is done individually in a medical bath. The medical water is directed manually from one tube to different parts of the body. The treatment strengthens weakened muscles, improves motor functions of the joints, stimulates blood circulation, releases adherent tissues and restores the condition of the skin. It also has a wellbeing and refreshing effect. 

4650 HUF / Anwendung

Pool bath

Our medicinal water has a beneficial effect on degenerative bone and joint disorders, treatment of chronic inflammatory joint and muscle diseases (rheumatic diseases), after-treatment of locomotor disorders of accidental origin, and treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases in gynaecology.  

2170 HUF / Anwendung

Underwater group physiotherapy

The purpose of underwater group physiotherapy is the same as that of dry physiotherapy, but it can be performed by individuals who are unable to practice dry physiotherapy. The reason for the movement-facilitating effect is the physical properties of the water, primarily its buoyancy. 

3100 HUF / Anwendung


A weight-bath is an underwater treatment whose purpose is to draw apart the spinal vertebrae from each other to elongate the spinal column, relieving nerve roots from pressure. Stretching enables the intervertebral discs to be restored to their original healthy condition. 

2480 HUF / Anwendung

Effervescent bath

The essence of the effervescent bath is that the bubbles in the water can stimulate the blood vessels close to the patient’s skin surface, which increases the skin’s carbon dioxide saturation. As a result, breathing becomes deeper and blood vessels expand, providing an additional therapeutic possibility for treating cardiovascular diseases and diseases accompanying vascular contraction. 

3720 HUF / Anwendung

Mud Bath of Hévíz

The effect of medicinal mud is similar to the effect of medicinal waters. As mud packs are made of earthy matter, they are also referred to as „healing soil“. Mud does not lose its healing effect even during transportation, so many places use material from another place. 
Utilizing its physical (thermal) and chemical (mineral) effects, it can be used to relax muscles, relieve pain and reduce chronic inflammation. By reducing shrinkage of tendons and sinews, surgical solutions that may arise during the treatment of these tendons can be prevented or delayed. It is effective concerning the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and in the post-treatment of locomotor surgery and accidents. 

4340 HUF / Anwendung

Medication wrap (Antipholg, Ritex)

During medication pack, the medicine is delivered into the body through the skin. The common feature of the wraps is that they have a chemical effect only when applying them. 

3100 HUF / Anwendung

Massage and therapist massage

Massage has been a popular therapy used since ancient times. Its numerous versions are now widespread in the world. It can be used to preserve and maintain general well-being and physical condition, and to prevent disease. 
Therapist massage is based on a personalized manual treatment, which is carried out on medical advice for therapeutic purposes. The general effect of the massage is to improve wellbeing, to soothe, relax and refresh. Due to its local effect, the blood supply (nutrient supply) of the locomotor system and the removal of accumulated waste products are improved. The movement of the joints is restored. 

4650 HUF / Anwendung (15 Minuten)


Die Fußmassage erhöht die Widerstandskraft Ihres Körpers. Sie reduziert Stress und regt die Entgiftung an. Sie wirkt allgemein erfrischend und spannungslösend, trägt zur Erhaltung und Wiedererlangung Ihrer körperlichen und seelischen Gesundheit bei und aktiviert Ihre Selbstheilungskräfte.

Durch das Massieren der Zonen an der Fußsohle kann eine Reflexwirkung (daher der Sammelbegriff Reflexzonenmassage) in den Organen hervorrufen werden und so die Selbstheilungsmechanismen verstärken.

5600 HUF / Anwendung


BEMER therapy is a special pulsating magnetotherapy, physical vascular therapy. The therapy is carried out through using a so-called BEMER Magnetic Therapy Device, which has a scientifically proven mode of action that, through its effective stimulation of the microcirculation, can have a positive effect on the whole body. 

3100 HUF / Anwendung (20 Minuten)


  • Die Heilgymnastik ist heilungsorientiert, d.h. sie dient der Lösung und Linderung konkreter Probleme.
  • Sie kann präventiver Natur sein, in der Beschwerdephase eingesetzt werden, sowie auch ein Rehabilitationsinstrument nach Operationen sein.
  • Langfristig ist diese Bewegungsart (und ihre Varianten) die effektivste Behandlungsmethode bei Kreuzschmerzen, Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen, Rückenschmerzen, Senkfüßen, Nackenschmerzen, Osteoporose und anderen Beschwerden des Bewegungsapparates.


5500 HUF / Anwendung (30 Minuten)

Heilgymnastik in Gruppen

  • Die Heilgymnastik ist heilungsorientiert, d.h. sie dient der Lösung und Linderung konkreter Probleme.
  • Sie kann präventiver Natur sein, in der Beschwerdephase eingesetzt werden, sowie auch ein Rehabilitationsinstrument nach Operationen sein.
  • Langfristig ist diese Bewegungsart (und ihre Varianten) die effektivste Behandlungsmethode bei Kreuzschmerzen, Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen, Rückenschmerzen, Senkfüßen, Nackenschmerzen, Osteoporose und anderen Beschwerden des Bewegungsapparates.


2000 HUF / Anwendung (30 Minuten)

