By purchasing any of the services of the spa, the guest acknowledges the terms and conditions set forth in the Policy and agrees with other legal regulations applicable to the Flexum Thermal bath & Spa as well as its other provisions and instructions. 

  1. Information on opening hours and current prices can be found on the sign board next to the entrance and on the price list. After closing hours, all guests are required to leave the spa area. 
  2. Entry to the Spa requires a valid entry ticket. The receipt / invoice confirming it must be kept by everyone while staying at the facility. 
  3. Access to the spa area and use of the services and use of sun beds are provided on a first come first served basis. There are a limited number of sun beds in the spa area. We accept no liability for any resulting inconvenience. It is strictly forbidden to move the sun beds situated next to the pools and in the rest areas to the grassy area! Only beds placed for this purpose may be used in those areas! 
  4. The access ‘clock’ issued at the cash desk is valid only on the day it is issued and entitles to one-time entry. It is non-redeemable and non-transferable. An excess charge of HUF 3,000 is payable in case the access clock is lost. 
  5. The spa and its use are available to anybody at their own risk and hazard. It applies especially to deep water areas of swimming pools, the slides, play and workout equipment. It is forbidden to play games or behave in manners in the spa area that threaten one’s own or others’ physical integrity and disturb the rest of visitors. 
  6. We are not responsible for any accidents, injuries or damage resulting from the guest’s fault or improper use of the facilities. 
  7. Pets are not allowed in the spa area! 
  8. We are not responsible for technical problems beyond the spa’s fault (e.g. bank terminal error, power failure, damage caused by guests – e.g. water pollution, etc.). 
  9. The use of discounts is governed by our internal instructions and it is the duty and responsibility of cashiers to comply with them. Discounts are not available afterwards, i.e. after purchasing the ticket or leaving the cash desk. 
  10. Gift vouchers are not redeemable for cash, they are non-refundable for their value, are not interchangeable for any other service. Gift vouchers can not be used beyond their validity period. 
  11. We disclaim responsibility for items placed in the wardrobe or left unattended in the spa area. 
  12. Children under the age of 14 may stay in the spa area only in the company of adults, and may use the spa’s services and toys under the sole responsibility and under the permanent supervision of an adult. 
  13. Leaders of children’s groups are responsible for complying with the contents of the Policy and having them complied within the spa area. Children’s group leaders and accompanying persons must pay special attention to the safety of life, prevention of accidents and protection of the property of accompanied children. 
  14. The sauna world can be used with and without swimwear. 
  15. Children under the age of 12 may not enter the sauna world. 
  16. We request silence in the sauna world! It is forbidden to bring technical articles (mobile phone, laptop, smart phone, camera, photo camera, etc.) into the sauna world even when deactivated! 
  17. Persons under the age of 14 may not use the medicinal pool unless prescribed by a medical doctor, and subject to other rules applicable to the use of the medicinal pool (silence, duration of stay, etc.). 
  18. The use of our slides, the sauna world, medical treatments and medicinal pools is governed by a special policy, other standards, information boards, and internal instructions. You can find out about these at the swim and sauna masters and notice boards. 
  19. 19. The use of medicinal pools is contraindicated in the following cases: severe heart, cardiovascular and respiratory failure, incontinence, malignant neoplasm, acute inflammatory disease, tuberculosis, thrombosis, severe varicose veins, and pregnancy. Recommended maximum length of stay in medicinal water: maximum 3 x 20 minutes daily. 
  20. The spa is not to be used by: fever patients, infectious patients, and people with open and leaking wounds, drunken guests, persons in a neglected state, and persons under the influence of drugs or medicaments. 
  21. Please do not disturb the peace of other guests by rowdy or improper behaviour! 
  22. All guests must comply with the instructions of lifeguard and bath attendant! Information and prohibition signs next to pools and slides are compulsory for all guests! 
  23. Slippers are compulsory in the spa area. Please note, in particular, that the pavement around the pools may be wet, thus increasing the risk of slipping. Please pay particular attention to the risk of slipping! 
  24. To avoid accidents, please be especially mindful of each other’s physical integrity! 
  25. Shower and foot wash are mandatory before using the pools! Prior to these wash by soap thoroughly in the dressing room, paying particular attention to the crevices (bends of joints)! We especially draw our guests’ attention to the use of changing rooms. Nudity is not allowed in locker rooms and corridors: it is considered improper behaviour. Swimwear is allowed to be omitted ONLY in enclosed showers and in the sauna! 
  26. It is forbidden to jump into the water from the edges of the pools. Balls can be played with only in designated pools! 
  27. It is FORBIDDEN to enter enclosed areas and service facilities! 
  28. Smoking and eating are permitted only in designated areas. It is FORBIDDEN to consume food or drink in the pool area or in the pool, or take glassware there! 
  29. It is strictly forbidden to remove objects from the spa area, which belong to the spa! 
  30. Please leave any lost and found item at the cash desk for our colleagues to register it. If the rightful owner of the lost and found item reports for it, its receipt must be confirmed by the owner’s identity card and signature. 
  31. The spa excludes any liability for damages in the event of equipment maintenance, technical problems or force majeure. 
  32. Any extraordinary events – personal injury, fire, the presence of hazardous equipment or objects are to be reported to the personnel who are required to act promptly according to the applicable regulations. In the event of an extraordinary incident, the instructions of the personnel must be strictly followed. 
  33. This policy is mandatory for all guests in the spa area. Anyone who fails to comply with the policy or intentionally damages or steals the spa’s equipment will be liable for damages, may be subject to infringement proceedings and removed from the spa area, the personnel may deny to provide the spa’s services and the spa may launch the necessary procedures against the person. In this case, the guest may not claim to have the admission ticket or the services purchased redeemed. 
  34. Everybody can use the car park at their own risk! The spa does not take responsibility for the objects and valuables stolen from the car! 
  35. Guests of the spa may lodge their complaint or express their recognition regarding the manner and quality of the services rendered as well as the conduct of the personnel and the operation of the spa at the cashier in the complaint book, which serves this purpose. The management of the spa must investigate and respond to any complaint, comment or suggestion. 

This policy is mandatory for all guests in the spa area. Our guests can also address their complaints to the supervisory authorites with the competence and power to take action: Mosonmagyaróvár City Notary – 11, Fő Street, Mosonmagyaróvár, 9200 Tel: 96/577-802. Department of Technical Approvals, Consumer Protection and Employment Department of the Győr District Office – 7, Türr István Street, Győr 9022, Tel:96/795-951